Day 11 Tuesday 12 September 2006 Darwin - Brunei

Up early to pack the car, down to the port and got signed out again by the customs man. Ship still on schedule so we left it there in the hands of a couple of wharfies who assured us they would look after it. Then back to W on Mitchell to our usual table for lunch and a few chores before going to the airport.

Uneventful but dry flight to Brunei where we arrived at 7pm. We appeared to be the only passengers actually going into Brunei, and got a minibus to the hotel in the city. Very Malaysian-like. V average musty 2 star hotel but we weren’t paying so can’t complain.

Weather 33 Sunny
Distance today 17km
Distance from start 4355km
X5s seen today 1
X5s seen from start 6
Creme brulees eaten today 0
Creme brulees eaten from start 0
