Day 43 Saturday 14 October Luang Prabang

Got up very early, for us, and walked down to the end to the peninsula to visit the main wat, Xieng Thong, and then back for breakfast. The power went down in the late morning and it became very hot and sticky. However we found a cafe with a generator and sat under their fan. By the time we got to the national museum in the former royal palace it was closing so we climbed the hill opposite to have a great sunset view of the town. Dinner at a nice little restaurant on the river near the hotel. Local sausages we'd seen hanging on the pavement the previous day, dried buffalo and river moss soup - all delicious especially with a bottle of Sauvignon blanc but no margaritas today due to the effects of the previous nights investigations

Weather 28 misty then sunny
Distance today 0km
Total Distance 8386km
