Day 84 Friday 24 November, Kathmandu, Nepal

The boys are due to arrive so we have to be up and doing early. After breakfast and a delay to play with a tiny Tibetan lapsu puppy whilst getting good trekking gos and advice on hotels from an Aus trek leader we screw our courage to the sticking place and prepare to do battle with the Indian embassy. Fortunately it all goes smoothly and we are soon back at the hotel to meet the Intrepidtoo+two, Richard and Alex who’ve arrived from Sydney with plenty of spare underwear for a spot of trekking, paragliding, white water rafting, canyoning, bungy and rhino spotting. They are so excited that after some pizza they fall asleep for 14 hrs bit (like the puppy).

Weather 24C Sunny
Distance today: 0 km
Distance from start: 15km
