Day 98 Friday 8 December, Pokhara, Nepal

Another brown underpants day for I3 and I4 who decide to go paragliding around Annapurna, whilst I1 and I2 attend to domesticity. The paragliding is pretty impressive, launching from Sakarnot about 800m above the town. The operators have trained eagles to fly with them to find thermals so they stay aloft for quite a time before descending in a quick spiral over the lake. Harry Porter returns with our airline ticket money as the agent says the airlines system won't allow the tickets to be issued in Nepal (actually it turns out we are only waitlisted anyway, hence the inability to issue tickets), Harry thinks nothing of having just got back to Ktm on the overnight bus the day before (12hrs) then getting back on it the next day to return to Pokhara ‘upper’ class (ie on the roof). We take him out to dinner at Lemon Tree for his pains.
