Day 147 Sunday 11 February 2007 London, UK to Islamabad, Pakistan

Having heard that portentous clunk and whirr when you insert your boarding pass and have it rejected, which means you turn left when you get on board, we have a very comfortable flight to Islamabad, arriving at 7am. Its still raining and the same temperature as London so we take a taxi to the Holiday Inn(!) where we have breakfast for a couple of hours until its a civilised time to ring Mr Kazmi from BMW who, despite it being a holiday has offered to pick us up. He brings the car over at eleven all sparkling clean and ready for another 20,000kms. (don’t get that service from BMW Sydney). Heeding the advice of DFAT to avoid western hotels, we leave the Holiday Inn and check into the Best Western(sic) which isn’t too bad and a lot cheaper to sleep for the rest of the day.

Distance Today: 71km Trip to date: 21,819km
