Garmin Crew Diary: Where Has the Wind Gone?

6 March 2018 Where Has the Wind Gone?

Sanya was amazing and our close encounter, going around the last mark right in front of the huge Goddess of Mercy statue was a truly memorable farewell sight.

Sometime during the night the wind we were hoping would carry us up the coast, around Taiwan and into Qingdao, disappeared. Now it seems as though we are back in the West Pacific, hot and sweaty and hardly moving.

This morning starboard watch narrowly avoided a floating object, only to have an upside down wooden chair float by very slowly. This was the most exciting thing that happened during the complete 6 hours.

We have all fallen back into the routine established before the break in Sanya and almost feel as though we never left the boat for 10 days! We are in the same bunks and on the same watches as before. It is, after all, the same leg.

We are hoping to arrive in Qingdao, the home of beer in China, in 10 days' time if all goes well. This will include the arrival of some wind. In fact we were told to expect fast upwind sailing on this race, so along with a drop in temperature we are thinking the sooner the better!

Soon we will be blogging that we can’t stand upright and we are all freezing cold! Just off to do a rain dance to cool us down…


Goddess of Mercy, Sanya

Sanya Marina
Lion dance to wish us luck on departure

Garmin crew
Sanya Yacht Club

Garmin beating to windward
Liverpool passing Sanya's Phoenix Island

